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Hormone Replacement Therapy

(For Men)

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Murray & Associates now offers an integrative, natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies– bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) which utilizes bio-identical hormones derived from natural, plant-based substances. Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources like yam or cactus plants. The ingredients are compounded in a lab and designed to be structurally identical to the hormones produced by the human body. This allows bioidentical hormones to fit into your hormone receptors perfectly. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is renowned in countless studies and patient testimonials as the safe and effective treatment for hormone imbalance. BHRT supports your health beyond relieving uncomfortable symptoms of menopause or andropause. Research has shown that bioidentical hormones also offer protective benefits that help reduce the risk of diseases related to hormonal changes, such as heart attack, stroke, and certain cancers. Unlike synthetic hormones, the molecular structure of the bio-identical hormones for testosterone and/or estrogen is human identical.

  • Creams/Topicals
  • Patches
  • Sublingual tabs
  • Injections/Shots
  • Pellet therapy

The Pellets

The pellets contain hormones, which mimic (are bio-identical to) the effects of hormones in your body and are gradually released into your bloodstream.The pellets are released based on your cardiac output – how much physical activity you do, how much stress you’re under, etc.

Few Symptoms
  • Brain Fog
  • Rise in bad cholesterol
  • Less strength, stamina, endurance
  • Cloud of depression
  • Less drive on job performance
  • Less sex drive, loss of morning erections
  • Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes
  • Achy joints and muscles
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More Detailed Informations

If you’re considering hormone pellets, you could probably find responses here.

  • I want my muscles back. Muscles can be toned and built again.
  • I gotta lose weight. Gaining weight in the belly and sides are common signs of low testosterone (and too much estrogen conversion, yes, men need estrogen too!).
  • I am tired. Greater endurance, energy and strength can be regained with higher testosterone levels.
  • My cholesterol is high and needs to be lower. Testosterone helps increase the good cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol.
  • I’m losing my manhood. ED can improve with raising testosterone levels.
  • I can’t think as fast. Mental sharpness and awareness can improve with boost in testosterone levels.
  • I know I need to protect my brain. There are several mental illnesses, including Alzheimer’s, that are positively impacted by optimizing testosterone.
  • I have arthritis and need help instead of taking a bunch of over the counters. The anti-inflammatory effects of testosterone can improve chronic pain and arthritis suffers.
  • I’m depressed. Boosting testosterone levels can improve mood and irritability.
  • I can’t sleep like I use to and need help. When cortisol levels rise, it decreases ability to sleep well at night. Optimizing testosterone usually improves sleep and lower cortisol levels.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses bioidentical hormones derived from natural sources and compounded to be an exact structural match to the hormones inside the human body.  

Synthetic hormones are often derived from animals and combined with chemicals to create a hormone therapy that is similar, but not exactly like human hormones. 

The natural ingredients combined with the molecular match allows bioidentical hormones to fit into human hormone receptors exactly as naturally occurring hormones. This feature ensures the safety and efficacy of the treatment. With synthetic hormones, the molecular structure is merely similar, causing the body to struggle with recognition of the substance and, therefore, causing side effects and poor outcomes. 

In the past, most research into hormone therapy focused on synthetic hormones, but as the effectiveness of bioidentical hormone therapy has become renowned, researchers are turning their attention to BHRT. Bioidentical hormones have been heralded as a natural hormone therapy option and are effective for disease prevention as well as eliminating uncomfortable symptoms that often occur as part of the aging process. 

Most famously, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) suggested that hormone therapy was dangerous. At the time, this was the largest-ever study on hormone therapy. It was designed to compare the efficacy of estrogen-only therapy and a combination of progesterone and estrogen therapies. For the study, researchers used synthetic hormones and many of the participants were of advanced age and higher risk of disease before the study began. These factors led many experts to review the study and uncover flaws in the methodologies used. These reviews have led large medical organizations, experts, and communities to revise previous policies against the use of hormone therapy. Today, the known benefits of hormone replacement therapy are numerous, and it is believed to be the best treatment option for hormone imbalance and prevention of disease. New research has also linked the use of bioidentical hormone therapy to better outcomes, finding that patients have fewer side effects along with enhanced benefits. 

Pellet therapy is among the oldest forms of hormone therapy, dating back to the 1930s. With the many advancements in technology, pellet therapy is now considered the most effective delivery method of hormone therapy and the preferred option among patients and providers. 

Pellet therapy is available for estradiol and testosterone hormone replacement. The hormone is compounded into a tiny pellet and inserted into the upper layer of skin, just above the buttocks. Aside from the convenience of never having to remember to take a pill, slather on cream, or put on a patch, this delivery method is the most optimal for a natural dosing structure and bioavailability. Pellet therapy mimics the slow, steady dosing that occurs naturally within the ovaries or testicles of the human body. Your doctor will use your lab work, symptom assessment, lifestyle, and reaction to the therapy to achieve an optimal prescription. Pellet therapy is designed to meet the unique needs of the individual, so you get exactly what your body needs, when it needs it–much like nature intended.

There have been several studies and meta-analyses reviewing the safety and efficacy of hormone therapy and bioidentical hormones. The outcomes suggest that bioidentical hormones are the safer, more effective option for treating conditions and symptoms of hormone imbalance when compared to methods of hormone therapy that use non-bioidentical hormone therapies.

In addition to effectively treating hormone imbalance, other studies have linked bioidentical hormones to a reduced risk of cardiovascular complications and breast cancer when compared to non-bioidentical hormone therapies.

For most patients, the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement are positive and transformative. However, when starting any new medication or treatment, it is important to talk to provider about your medical history and make aware of all details of your health while *interval safety monitoring protocols are required for all patients.

Hormone therapy costs less than you think. In fact, many plans cost less per day than you might pay for one of those fancy cups of coffee at popular coffeehouses. However, labs and most HRT therapy is not covered by insurance companies. Following labs, you will have consultation with your provider to review lab results and talk about options and pricing for treatment. 

Pellet therapy is not covered by insurance. Most men and women choose pellet therapy because it reduces the risk of dosing errors, wasted medication, and delivers superior results. For men, a single pellet may last between 5 and 7 months, often dependent on factors like stress and activity level. For women, a single pellet lasts between 3 and 5 months, depending on the same factors as men.

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